An advocacy effort initiated by a group of CSOs led by the Africa Network for Environment and Economic Justice (ANEEJ) working on Enhancing Anti-corruption and Social Inclusive Reforms Initiative in Nigeria project has so far recorded key results during their implementation.

On a National Television (NTA Good Morning Nigeria) program ( they called on the president to demonstrate the political will on the passage of relevant anti-corruption bills including the POC-Bill to aid the fight against corruption as an anti-corruption champion. A week after that call, the president wrote a letter to the National Assembly with the list of anti-corruption bills he want them to pass into law, which included the POC Bill. In March 2022, they further called on the President and Senate to create a separate agency for recovered asset management before the bill is passed into law. (Link to the call:

The SCALE/ANEEJ-led CSO group leveraged skills technical support and organizational development provided by SCALE to build alliances, and conduct stakeholder engagements. The group also collaborated with media houses to jointly issue a press statement on the passage of the bill and other relevant anti-corruption bills. Although (ANEEJ) has been working on the Proceeds of Crime (POC) Bill even in the administration of the previous assembly (8th Assembly) where it was passed by the senate but declined by President Muhammadu Buhari. During the present 9th Assembly, it was re-presented for assent by the President.
On May 12, 2022, the POC Bill was signed into law by President Muhammadu Buhari. The new Act makes comprehensive provisions for the seizure, confiscation, forfeiture, and management of properties derived from unlawful activity. It also mandates the creation of dedicated accounts for the proceeds of crime and other confiscated assets, to enhance the accountability of the process.

In pursuant to the implementation of the Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA), the Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Matters (ICPC) has appointed Rev David Ugolor, the Executive Director, ANEEJ, as a member of the Assets Disposal Committee representing Civil Society Organizations. Passing of the Act, however, is not an end but a means to strengthen anti-money laundering and combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) framework in the Country; therefore, the SCALE/ANEEJ-led CSO cluster will continue its advocacy efforts for implementation of the Act.