Under the USAID Strengthening Civic Advocacy and Local Engagement (SCALE) project, a group of CSOs led by Youth Alive Foundation (YAF) will begin implementing pillars 1 and 5 of the National Youth Policy (NYP) following approval from the Nigerian government through the Federal Ministry of Youths and Sport. Pillars 1 and 5 emphasize on Productive Workforce and Sustainable Economic Engagement of Youth and Partnership-building and effective collaboration for youths and its implementation will enable youth to transit to self-fulfilled and productive adulthood with opportunities for full, effective, and constructive participation, in line with the Policy vision and mission.
Through the creation of a Memorandum of Understanding signed by the permanent secretary and directors of youth development departments in June 2022, the SCALE CSOs will:

  • Provide capacity building for youth officers and active youth focused CSOs in Lagos, Akwa Ibom, Kano, Rivers, and Abia
  • Co-host an annual Youth Development Summit event
  • Co-host quarterly Technical Working Group (TWG) meetings
  • Raise public awareness of the NYP
  • SCALE’s technical and financial support for the implementation of the NYP and training enabled the group of CSOs to support the Ministry of Youths and sport to map and analyze businesses or organizations that fund or support youth development in Nigeria and upon completion of the mapping and analysis, the data will be used to build a comprehensive database to support programs of the Federal Ministry of Youths and Sport.

    To seal the deal, the MoU will be signed by the Honorable Minister of Youth and Sport before the end of 2022.

    Learn more about the NYP and its pillars: Nigeria-National-Youth-Policy-2019-2023.pdf (prb.org)